What comes to your mind the moment someone talks about summer? Light and airy clothes? The sun and the beaches? Pool parties? The smell of barbeque?All of the above? Regardless to what comes to your mind first pool painting in Melbourne, it goes without saying that it might have brought a smile to your face. Unfortunately, these things cannot be enjoyed without a little preparations and pre planning. Here’s how to properly prepare your pool for the summer…

  • Use a professional – pool cleaning is no big issue or procedure for many of us. most of the time, it’s a matter of removing off the pool cover and cleaning out the water. But if it has been closed and not used for a very long period of time (like those of the summer or vacation homes), then it’s better to use a professional for the job as it may be a little dangerous for you to clean. It’s an added benefit that they’d do a more thorough job.
  • Consider if you need to do a patch up job – sometimes, your beloved personal water hole may need a little more than a cursory pool cleaning. If it hasn’t been used for a while, or if you’ve had a particularly harsh and damaging winter, then consider that you might have to do some pool painting as well. Again, using professionals here is a safer bet.
  • Check if you need to replace any filters or pumps – if you hadn’t taken the time to properly pool service  away your filters or your pumps, or if the winter had been unexpectedly harsh, chances are that they might have ended up getting damaged. It’s always a good idea to check it out before you’d want to use them…
  • Change filters if necessary – if not damaged, then there is a possibility that they might need to be changed. Again, it’s a great idea to check on it and replace or change it before all the summer parties begin.
  • Restock cleaning products and chemicals – take a look at your chlorine stock, as well as the stock of your other pool related chemicals and cleaning products. As summer is the time your personal water hole is going to be used the most, you’ll find that having them at stock is much more convenient than having to run out every few weeks. Do take the precaution to stow it well away from your pets and children.
How To Prepare Your Pool For The Summer?