On most occasions today we feel like we have too much on our plate to handle and we don’t have any time to breathe. Our schedules are so tightly packed that we are trying to take out the minimum amount of time needed for us to take a bathroom break or relieve our hunger pangs by grabbing something to eat. Maybe it’s true that some of us will really have such a busy schedule because of the type of jobs we do, but many of us end up having such a packed schedule mainly because of our what we have bought on ourselves. Our failure to plan and space out our actions and events is what lands us in the big mess we find ourselves in at the end of each day which leads to messy weeks and months.

How does it affect our health?

Any clinical psychologist Gold Coast will tell you the many health benefits of being organized. Because being organized helps us to plan when we want to do everything in our lives. We give everything a time and place. This ability is what the doctors of the modern world will say is beneficial to health in an overall manner. And this is what most people are trying to achieve out of trying to be organized. Being organized helps you to plan events and helps you to utilize your time in a more productive manner and you end up saving a whole lot of time as a result of this. And when you plan you also learn to line up events and things in order of importance along the way. Because by completing the most pressing and important activities initially before moving onto the rest you realize that it’s such a relief. Because you have had a look at what lies ahead of you for many days to come.

It’s something that doctors who do relationship counselling keep on advising to the clients on most occasions. Because commonly couples come to them as a result of problems that come due to their stressful lives, and schedules, and not being able to cope with all the pressure they are feeling from all directions which gets vented out on the partner. By being organized you give yourself a stress free time, you are not constantly worrying about what you have to do next and if you will be able to finish it on time and so on. You feel in control over most things in your life which gives you a sense of satisfaction which cannot be replaced.So make sure you do everything in your ability to make this a habit a part of your life, because it comes in useful in many ways. You can view more information about this service here http://www.vitalityunleashed.com.au/services/couples-therapy/. 

Organization And Mental Health